Qt8-15 large-scale automatic hydraulic concrete block making machine |
1.Adopt advanced microcomputer control system,reliable hydraulic system,combine machine,control system,hydraulic integration automatic control,simple and reliable operation.
2.Hydraulic system adopt unique proportional valve multi-way control system,all-round adjust any action;ensure equipment is running reliable and sensitive.
3.PLC intelligent control system is advanced microcomputer control system,which could makes machine every movements works fluently and efficiency.
4.Perfect combination of high quality inverter with efficiency vibrator,and advanced press and vibration molding technology,which make concrete full liquefaction and exhaust in two to three seconds,ensuring product of high density,especially for the production of high-strength standard bricks,can be stacked after forming.
Power |
46.7kw |
Cycle |
15-20S |
Vibration Force |
60-80KN |
Rated Pressure |
21Mpa |
Pallet Size |
980*870*25mm |
Machine Size |
5700*2050*2650mm |
Weight |
6500KGS |
Related Accessories |
100T Silo, PLD1200 Batching, JS750 mixer, Forklift, 2000pcs Pallet |
PLC Control System
Function:PLC is a remote control system used to replay relay,executive logic and other sequential control functions.
Advantage:PLC has the characteristica of strong universality,convenient use,wide adaptability,high reliability,strong anti-interference ability and simple prongramming.
Put the cartons packed in containers on the pallet according to a certain arrangement,stack them automatically,and then push them out,which is convenient for forklift transportation.
Block mould
Function:Comprise an upper die and a lower die,and that interaction between the upper die and the low die prevents the periphery of the punched material from being deform.
Advantage:After carbonization and wire cutting technology,the mold is more wear-resistant and has a longer service life.
js350Mixer:Stir evenly and thoroughly, without residue, simple structure, simple operation, fast discharging speed, sturdiness and durability, long service life, and convenient maintenance.
100T cement silo:
Store cement raw materials, equipped with an air ram at the bottom to prevent cement from condensing at the exit and speed up the production process
Company information
Our Services
1.Before-sale services:
1)Guide customers to choose the best appliable machine type;provide the advanced,energy-saving and practical technological process.
2)We are responsible for the process chart and design.
2.Sale services:
1)Products must be inspected strictly before selling.
2)In accordance with the agreements stipulated in the contract.
3)We will organize delivery.
3.After-sale services:
1)Our company will send professional engineers to guide eith device installation,debugging and training operators until customers are fully satisfied.Moreover,we will design and manufacture products,according to the special requirements of customers.
2)Because of the problems caused by quality rather than human factors,we repair them free of charge.The quality guarantee period for machines is one year except the wearing parts.
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